Saturday, January 1, 2022

Starting Over Again


Wishing everyone  a Happy New Year.  

The Quilters' Quarters journal pages  of this blog
will continue to share photos and stories of quilts I've made each year as time goes on. 
(See table of contents in the right margin for these and other related pages)

But because the Quilters' Quarters retail shop is now closed, I'll be adding a new page to my other, older blog, which you can find at this link: 

Terry's Thoughts and

This is where I have read and reviewed books for many years, though not so many recently. I plan now, looking ahead: 

  • to go back to that activity ...  reading and reviewing authors
  • to also return to my own writings ... I have a few books to finish, and others to begin, and I'll update readers on my progress
  • and to begin scheduling sewing lessons for students of all ages. 

Please visit my old blog.  I'll keep you posted there, 

    Terry's Thoughts and Threads has always been my formal business name with the State of Massachusetts; Quilters' Quarters was a DBA ("doing business as") for the retail shop which we opened after I retired from teaching public school. While Rick was opening Wooden Toy and Gift and I was still teaching, I had begun reading and reviewing books and making and selling / donating quilts.  It seems right that I am going back to that title now.

    It's a new year, and a new beginning. People keep telling me I still have things to do before my story closes.  So, on I go.

    ~ Terry