Monday, June 2, 2014


Visit our own Row by Row page, or see other shops in Massachusetts
 on the MA Row by Row page.
Quilters' Quarters has been working diligently on getting things ready in the shop for new visitors. Our participation in the national and international Row by Row 2014 summer-long shop hop is a promising endeavor designed to bring our shop wider visibility.

To that end, so far we have: 

  • purchased a special line of fabric from Timeless Treasures
  • created a display of the Row by Row shop hop's contest guidelines and dates
  • developed a brochure that includes relevant links for the contest rules and for finding the many shops participating
  •  sewn and hung a large fabric license plate with our motto, "Happy Quilter" 
  • purchased a shipment of smaller fabric license plates for quilters who are collecting them at each shop that they visit
  • designed a unique "Sew a Season" row to represent our shop
  • made a model of that row, called "Beyond Winter Windows"
  • prepared kits of the fabric pieces needed to make that row
  • written the FREE PATTERN directions for making the row, including pictures of how the fabric is to be put together for best results
  • posted photos on Facebook's Massachusetts Row by Row page
  • purchased Sew a Season fabrics for spring, summer, and autumn rows to help quilters who are looking for blenders for other shops' rows as well as our own winter row
July 1 is the official beginning of the Row by Row experience, and is when the FREE PATTERNs for shop rows will be available to visitors. But you can begin viewing the rows of shops near you, or near where you will be traveling this summer. Each participating area has a list of shops at I'm told they are working on a map for each state showing where the shops are located. 

Here are some recent photos of our preparations for this exciting summer-long shop hop:
A kit for making our row: Beyond Winter Windows

Kits will be sold for our row in the shop: $7.50.

Everything you need for this contest is together
and ready to go in our shop.

These are the Sew a Season fabric strips for 
spring, summer and autumn.

One single 9.25" block from our row
Here is our completed row, 
with additional option sashing.
These are the fabrics included in the kit: enough
to create the four blocks for the row.

The fabric license plates are offered for $3.50. I hear that
many quilters enjoy collecting these along their way.

We're ready for you.  All that's missing is the FREE PATTERN
and that will be available after June 30. Come and get it!

As always, if you are reading this update in your email, thank you for signing up for the newsletter. We publish it about twice a month, but in between editions, we also update the various pages that comprise this blog. Recent additions are the Machine Quilting Classes page,  and progress on the tie quilt at the Terry's QuiltingJournal 2014 page

Feel free to share this email or blog link with your friends and families, and encourage the quilters among you to check out the Row by Row page of the blog as well as the website itself

We're in for a great experience this summer ~ jump in and join us!

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