Sunday, September 27, 2020

No News is not always Good News


There is no new news here at Quilters' Quarters. The shop remains closed to the public, although Google insists on still saying it is open on Saturdays ... it is not, but I am not averse to opening for someone who took a ride to get here because of Google's  persistent error. All I ask is that you wear a mask and use the hand sanitizer before touching things.

I am still using storm door pickup for requests of free fabric to mask makers.  And I am trying to amass a quantity of child-sized masks for the local public schools, and invite mask makers to leave some here at the shop for that purpose. 

Enjoy the Autumn ... I'll update here in about a month.


Friday, September 4, 2020

Shop Closure For Now...

 August was a very challenging month ... many messages to the shop requesting specific fabrics, some requesting specific designs for masks, and others wanting to come into the shop to browse and select for themselves ... all reasonable expectations for a fabric shop to fulfill. But my three day week of part time  hours was becoming much more than that, and life itself was making requests that at times conflicted. Medical appointments, postponed during the Covid-19 shut down, are now coming home to roost and imposing their own schedules. Surgeries and followup wound care for melanoma sites are ahead.

The shop will be closed for a few weeks at least... messages on Facebook or email or phone may not be received or answered. The collision of business, medical and personal time has caused an  unintended blurring of boundaries, and it is time for me to step away from that frame.

My apologies to all who are left inconvenienced by this best recommendation for a solution to meet fabric needs is to connect with other small fabric shops who may have more than one sole proprietor to handle the volume of customer needs.

Here is a link to help you connect with others around us:

I will update the Quilters' Quarters Facebook page when the shop is able to reopen.

I appreciate your understanding.

~ Terry

PS: An update on our collective donations ...

From the middle of March to the third week of June, generous donations from mask recipients were left here and also with the mask makers, who brought them to the shop ... they totaled just over $2,200 which was forwarded through Quilters' Quarters to the Georgetown Public School Lunch Program to assist with costs for the Bagged Breakfast and Lunch assistance for eligible families during the school shut down.  When that program ended in the last week of June and was replaced with state funded food coupons for eligible families, the mask and fabric donations were then forwarded to the New Life Community Church Abundant Food  Pantry. From the end of June to the beginning of September, Quilters' Quarters forwarded over $1,000 to the food pantry. The generosity of mask makers and mask receivers is very much appreciated. When school sessions resume, next week, either virtually or in person, the donations that may continue to arrive here will be sent to the school program again. Thank you, all, who donated.